Monday, 27 June 2016


Experiment 3: Final Submission

Draft Model/Model Development

18 Sketch Perspectives:
One Point:
Two Point:

36 Custom Textures:

Mashup of 3 Articles: Form follows Function
Architecture has always been the result of the delicate balance between art and science… but it has been more of an Art than science. 'Beauty' is based on the perfect mastery of all the scientific, technological and formal prerequisites of the task ... to design the objects organically on the basis of their own contemporary postulates, without any romantic embellishment or jesting. The breakdown of the human adaptation of architecture can be traced to the forced conceptual separation of ornament from function. Architecture is not merely a slavery to the past art, nor is it blind originality. It has to be a perfect blend usability, beauty and economy.

Plan and Section Influence: 



Final Result Floor Plan:

Moving Elements:

Element 1: Central Walls

Pivot during times of high pedestrian traffic and/or high temperature levels to increase pedestrian circulation paths, enable more efficient heat diffusion and ventilation, increase transparency of the building and enable further interaction with the surrounding environment.

Element 2: Pedestrian Level Ground Windows

Opens to increase cross ventilation and heat diffusion, increases transparency of the building and enables further interaction with surrounding environment.

Image Captures and Architecture:

Pedestrian Level and Library:

Lecture Theatre:

Exterior and interior shot

Workshop Wing:

Research Space/Standard Workshop space and heavy machinery room

Gallery Wing:

Side by side comparison of individual gallery/computer room and group study room

Office Wing:

Academic/General staff spaces and staff meeting room

Sketchup Model:

Lumion Model:

36 Textures and Model Application

36 Textures:





In Model:




Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Two Point Perspectives + Moving Element Test

Two Point Perspectives:

Model Draft 1:

Lumion Moving Element Test:

One Point Perspectives and Mash Up

18 One Point Perspectives

Mash Up:

Architecture has always been the result of the delicate balance between art and science… but it has been more of an Art than science. 'Beauty' is based on the perfect mastery of all the scientific, technological and formal prerequisites of the task ... to design the objects organically on the basis of their own contemporary postulates, without any romantic embellishment or jesting. The breakdown of the human adaptation of architecture can be traced to the forced conceptual separation of ornament from function. Architecture is not merely a slavery to the past art, nor is it blind originality. It has to be a perfect blend usability, beauty and economy.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Experiment Two: Final Submission

18 Sketch Axonometrics: 
Single Axonometrics:
Combined Axonometrics:

36 Custom Textures:

Architectural Concepts:

Concept One - Deconstruction and Creation: Space as a subtraction of forms

A labyrinth of passages wind between stone slabs at Berlin Holocaust Memorial. - Photo by Heather Elton/age fotostock Collection/Getty Images

Taken from Peter Eisenmen's Holocaust Memorial, subtractions from larger volumes can create spaces and structures without needing to add more material to an already heavy volume. This can lead to a very light, seemingly transparent structure which still appears to be a large volume.

Concept Two - Opposition of Heavy and Light

Taken from Aldo Van Eyck's Amsterdam Orphanage, the opposition of heavy and light structures can betray traditional structure weights, causing otherwise heavy volumes to appear light and reduces the structural presence.

Model Development:

Initial Axonometric Sketches and Combined Parallel Projection

Initial Lumion rendering:

During development, I experimented with different subtractions in different volumes in order to produce a volume and subspaces and also experimented with the placement of the stop, but I concluded that raising the light rail and the stop would be a waste of material and energy, so it remained on the ground floor.

Electroliquid Aggregation:

A sustainable light rail is minimal in it's impact to its immediate and global environments while retaining it's intended functionality. Typically heavy and disruptive public transport infrastructure can be transformed into a light, cohesive and transparent structure through volumetric deconstruction and subtraction creating space as opposed to additional material, while still functioning with the same capacity.

Developed Model:

Context and Scale:

Wide high angle view of the light rail stop in the context of UNSW, shows cohesive nature of the structure as an organic extension of the campus boundary and form created by the subtracted texture.

Exterior Facades:

Elevations of each facade, showing the contrasting heavy and light curvilinear subtractions and differing transparent/solid views.

Seating Areas:

Interior shot showing bench, subtracted seating area, scale and interplay between the bench texture and the silhouettes of it's surrounding


Shots showing minimal artificial lighting during night and sunset, utilising natural lighting. Focusing on the subtracted roof skylights filled with water.

Floor Texture:

Low angle shot of subtracted floor texture creating indicators for light-rail entrances.
SketchUp Model:

Lumion Files:

Monday, 2 May 2016

36 Textures

Chosen Textures:


Instead of just painting the texture onto the floor, I carved it into the floor and used different materials to represent the dark and light.


Same process as the 'light' texture, instead of a straight texture application, I carved the pattern into a roof and re-imagined the dark and light materials.


This texture had a really nice interplay with the shadows created by the trees at certain angles of sunlight, so I left it as a straight paint.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Parallel Projections

Parallel Projections

Lumion Rendering

Opposition of Heavy and Light + Deconstruction and Creation

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Experiment One Model

Just realised that I forgot to embed the model since it wasn't on the criteria, here it is:

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Experiment One: Final Submission

Experiment One: Final Submission

3 Images and Descriptions:

 18 Sketch Sections:

 36 Custom Textures:

Selected Sections:

Draft Model 1:

Draft Model 2:

Above Ground Stairs:

Below Ground Stairs:

Developed Model:

Wide Shot:

 Above Ground Workshop:


Below Ground Workshop

Below Ground Interior:


Composition and Showroom:

Above Ground Workshop Circulation:

Below Ground Workshop Composition and Circulation:

Ideal circulation paths are traced in green